
Introduction about Faculty of Resource Management

15/02/2021 20:00 - Xem: 1022
On November 9, 1996, the Deputy Minister of Education and Training signed decision No. 8303/KHTC allowing Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry to officially be trained in the field of Land Management

On November 9, 1996, the Deputy Minister of Education and Training signed decision No. 8303/KHTC allowing Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry to officially be trained in the field of Land Management. The first enrollment course, class QLDĐ 27, had only 36 students, managed by the Department of Horticulture. On July 14, 2001, the Faculty of Geography was officially established, on the basis of taking one subject of the old Faculty of Horticulture, the Department of Soil Science, and at the same time establishing two new subjects, the Department of Information Systems. Information and Geodetic Maps. On January 13, 2004, the Department of Geography was signed by the Minister of Education and Training under Decision No. 166/QD-BGD&ĐT-ĐH-SĐH allowing to be trained in Environmental Science. In 2006, the Faculty of Geography has renamed the Faculty of Natural Resources & Environment. On December 18, 2013, the Faculty was renamed Faculty of Resource Management. On the first day of establishment of the faculty, there were only 14 teachers and 142 students, equipment for practice and internship was extremely lacking, most of them had to link with other faculties and units outside the school. After nearly 20 years of construction and striving, the faculty has grown to become one of the faculties with the largest number of students in the whole university. Currently, the faculty is assigned to train in the following majors: Land Management, Geo-environment, Resource Management and Ecotourism, Real Estate Business and Management. During the development process, the faculty has gone through the following main stages:

2001 - 2009:  Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Nong is the Dean of the Faculty. The Faculty consists of 7 subjects: Department of Soil Science, Department of Geodesy-Cartography, Department of Soil and Environmental Information Monitoring, Department of Land Management, Department of Planning of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Environmental assessment, Department of Environmental Management. In 2008, the faculty rearranged into 5 subjects, including the Department of Soil Science, Department of Geodesy-Cartography, Department of Environment, Department of Land Management, Department of Planning of Natural Resources and Environment.

Period 2009 - 2011: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dang Van Minh is Dean, Faculty includes 5 subjects: Department of Soil Science, Department of Geodesy, GIS-remote sensing, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Department of Natural Resources Law and Policy, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Planning of Natural Resources and Environment.

Period 2011 - 2013:  Dr. Hoang Van Hung is Dean, Faculty includes 5 subjects: Department of Soil Science, Department of Geodesy, GIS-remote sensing, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Department of Natural Resources Law and Policy, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Planning of Natural Resources and Environment.

Period 2014 - present:  Dr. Vu Thi Thanh Thuy is the dean of the Faculty, the Faculty currently has 2 departments: the Department of Land and Real Estate Management, the Department of Natural Resources Management and Ecotourism. The number of officers and employees in the Faculty is 33 people, of which over 50% are young staff; there are 2 professors, 5 associate professors, 6 teachers who are studying at home and abroad, and 3 excellent teachers.


photo of Faculty of Resource Management

In recent years, in addition to training tasks, teachers in the faculty have also actively participated in scientific research and technology transfer, making a significant contribution to economic development. of the northern mountainous provinces. The Faculty has chaired and participated in many state-level, ministerial-level, grassroots-level projects and science and technology transfer projects. The topics and locations of the Faculty of Science and Technology transfer are land inventory, mapping of the current status of land use, measurement and mapping of cadastral maps, issuance of certificates of land use rights, planning of use land, planning new rural areas, developing models of ecotourism, agricultural tourism in the following localities: Bac Kan, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai, Bac Giang, Bac Ninh, Cao Bang, Lang Son, Thanh Hoa , Lai Chau, Thai Nguyen etc. Environmental planning, EIA, SEA, treatment of waste, wastewater, by-products against environmental pollution, etc. in the provinces: Bac Kan, Bac Giang, Vinh Phuc, etc.

International cooperation in training and scientific research has been promoted recently. The Faculty has had relations with a number of countries and international organizations, such as: the USA, Australia, Germany, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, China, etc. Students in the faculty with foreign language proficiency are sent to do internships at the university. Israel, Japan up to 100 visits per year.

Faculty of Resource

Management Department of Natural Resources Management and Ecotourism

Department of Land and Real Estate Management

For more information, please contact the Faculty of Natural Resources Management - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Address: Group 10 - Quyet Thang - Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province
Tel: (+84)208.3. 753. 035