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Misson and Vission of Faculty

12/01/2021 10:56 - Xem: 425

1. Mission

 The mission of FRM is to “train undergraduates, graduates, and conduct scientific researches, technology transfers in the fields of natural resources management to serve the socio-economic development and the international integration for the Midlands and Northern mountainous areas and the whole country”.

2. Vision to 2030

By 2030, FRM will be one of the leading units in Vietnam for training, scientific research in Resource Management

3. Objectives

The objectives of the Faculty are to:

(1) Provide highly qualified human resources in the field of Resource Management who have ethical qualities, professional skills, leadership capacity, soft skills, to meet the requirements of domestic and international markets.

(2) Create excellent scientific products in the field of Resource Management for the socio-economic development of Vietnam and worldwide.